The Mission

Prof. Spira & Brother Air have practiced the Mucusless Diet Healing System for many years, and have helped many people transform their lives using its methods.

Brother Air often says that “there is nothing more important than your health.” And the Mucusless Diet is the missing link that so many people are searching for. The cure for human illness and the answer to the world’s suffering. 

Historically, musicians were shamans and leaders of the community. Today, many musicians and artists are gluttons in poor health, drug addicts, or leading people into the depths of debauchery and materialism. 

Prof. Spira and Brother Air aim to bring the stature of the artist-musician back to a position of leadership and healing. 

To gain the full healing benefit of Prof. Spira & Brother Air’s music, the Mucusless Diet Healing System is the key to unlock wisdom and experience that you could only dream of, before now…

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What is the Mucusless Diet Healing System?

In a nutshell, the Mucusless Diet Healing System is a system to gradually and progressively move away from mucus-forming foods to foods that do not create any mucus. The foods that create mucus decompose into slimy substances in the body. Take a piece of meat or something like rice as examples. You can actually melt rice down and it becomes this very sticky substance.

This sticky substance is mucus. In fact, rice is used as book binder’s glue. Yet, why would we eat something that can turn into slimy glue? Over time, the accumulation of this slime builds up in the body, making it hard for our cells to breath! And all mucus-forming foods eventually turn to acids in the body, that can destroy or damage healthy cells.This discovery was made by Prof. Arnold Ehret in the late 1800s and shared with the world in his famous Mucusless Diet Healing System in 1922.


Annotated Mucusless Diet Healing System

is a complete course for everyone who desires to learn how to control their health.

Spira Speaks

Dialogs and Essays on the Mucusless Diet Healing System Volumes 1, 2, & 3 is not a “diet book.” It’s a LIFESTYLE BOOK!

Rational Fasting

Introduced and Edited by Prof. Spira is one of the most influential works on the healing power of fasting. You will learn:

Thus Speaketh the Stomach

is an unprecedented work where dietary genius Prof. Arnold Ehret gives voice to the stomach and reveals the foundation of human illness. You will:

The Definite Cure of Chronic Constipation

Prof. Arnold Ehret and his number one student Fred Hirsch explore the generally constipated condition of the human organism. Such constipation is not only in the intestines, but also in the tissues and cells!